Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Christmas!

When the Wise Men of the East heard what King Herod said, they departed from Jerusalem.
And the star, which they had seen in the East, went before them
until it came and stood over the the house
where the Child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with GREAT joy!

And they worshiped Him.

 Happy Birthday, Jesus!

(Mildred's paraphrase of Matthew 2:9-11).
Illustration from My Christmas ABC Book,  (c) 1995 Brooke Carlton

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Will B. Toad

You know, the Bible says that the trees clap their hands.  In The Chronicles of Narnia, centaurs roam the land.  In parts of Africa's interior, there is tale told of a great monster who lives in the lakes.  I mean, think about it, how much do we REALLY know about everything?

Be careful where you park.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bear Loves Ice Cream

Once upon a time, oh, three or five summers ago, Brooke, Bear and I went to the beach.  While Bear went to get us all an ice cream cone, I borrowed Brooke's antique Pentax camera, and snapped this (surprise) photo of Bear as he was returning.

Hmmm.  Mint chocolate chip.  My favorite.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Close Up Photographer

Close Up Photographer, a pen & ink drawing, was done for a photo shop in Maine.  Let's see, it was in the 90's I think.  And, no, it was not done on location (it was too windy for me).  Brooke worked on this one for days.

Did you know her Dad is also an illustrator?  Yep.  He talks to his drawings.  You know, 'choo choo' as he draws a train, 'Wee Wee' with little piglets, etc.  When Brooke was little, she remembers over hearing her Dad talk to his illustrations.  She decided she would never be caught doing that.

Yeah.  Right.  Guess who talks to her pictures?
