Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Tooth Fairy

Last week, I overheard two children talking, well, whispering, in a school hallway.  One of the little girls had a loose, wiggly tooth.  The discussion was about the existence of The Tooth Fairy.  Apparently, there was some serious question as to Her being real or not.

Real or not?  Can you imagine?

So, - with the children's permission - I set up my camera in a 'hidden' location.  And waited.  And waited.  Actually, this would be my very first photo of Herself, so I was careful to be very quiet.
The night dragged on and on.  Finally, I could see the morning light begin to appear out the window.
Even I began to wonder if she would really come.

Then, the dog barked downstairs.  The sound made me turn away.  And that's when I heard a 'swish' in the water glass behind me.  So, I pushed the button on the camera.  Even though I got the photo, the foolish camera clunked so loudly that it frightened Her off before I could even whisper 'Good-bye'.

But, isn't She wonderful?